Its Kinda Been A Lame Day

Like the title says…  Nothing especially wrong with today, just nothing has gone well or there’s been no fun in the day.  So I need to take a break and just enjoy some porn for a second.  What shall I do.

I got it, I’ll go into a couple of pornsites that I’ve never really push and grab 3 random galleries and see what we get.  Now let me find a few pornsites…

Ok, here’s the first randomly generated gallery I got: Asian Whore In Glasses
(I have to say, I’m not utterly disappointed like I thought I would be.  So far so good!!!)

And the second porn gallery: Houston We Have A Problem
OMG, it really is Houston, one of the scariest pornstars to have ever lived.  I remember when she had her pussy flaps removed because they were too big, and then she had them sealed in a giant crystal and auctioned them off.  What a loon.  And yes, this is the Houston that attempted to fuck 500 guys in 12 hours.

And last but apparently not least: Sloppy Lily Thai
Well apparently Wicked has uploaded some new galleries, very cool.  This is a great one.

Ok, that was fun…now back to business.